PitchKickstart: The Ultimate Software for Enhancing ChatGPT’s Copywriting Capabilities

PitchKickstart for ChatGPT

What is PitchKickstart?

PitchKickstart is a software that enhances ChatGPT’s copywriting capabilities and transforms ChatGPT into a world class copywriter through frameworks and expert AI seeds. To be clear, PitchKickstart is not a replacement for ChatGPT, it’s a companion for it.

ChatGPT is a powerful natural language generation (NLG) system that can write anything from blog posts to sales pitches, using the most advanced artificial intelligence technology from OpenAI. However, ChatGPT is not perfect and sometimes it can produce irrelevant, inconsistent, or low-quality content.

That’s where PitchKickstart comes in. PitchKickstart provides ChatGPT with proven copywriting frameworks and expert AI seeds that guide ChatGPT to write better, faster, and easier. PitchKickstart helps you create killer sales copy with ChatGPT that actually sells products and services.

Overview of PitchKickstart

PitchKickstart is a cloud-based tool that works with ChatGPT to help you write high-converting sales copy for any niche, product, or service. PitchKickstart has three main components:

  • Frameworks: These are the templates and structures that define the flow and format of your sales copy. PitchKickstart has over 50 frameworks for different types of sales copy, such as headlines, subheadlines, bullet points, testimonials, guarantees, calls to action, and more. You can choose the frameworks that suit your needs and customize them as you wish.
  • Expert AI Seeds: These are the prompts and suggestions that provide ChatGPT with the context and direction to write your sales copy. PitchKickstart has over 1000 expert AI seeds for different niches, products, and services. You can select the expert AI seeds that match your offer and audience and tweak them as you like.
  • ChatGPT Integration: This is the connection between PitchKickstart and ChatGPT that allows you to generate your sales copy with a click of a button. PitchKickstart sends your frameworks and expert AI seeds to ChatGPT and receives the generated sales copy from ChatGPT. You can then edit, refine, or regenerate your sales copy until you are satisfied.

Why use PitchKickstart?

PitchKickstart is the ultimate solution for anyone who wants to write amazing sales copy with ChatGPT. Here are some of the benefits of using PitchKickstart:

  • Save time and money: Writing sales copy can be time-consuming, expensive, and frustrating. Hiring a professional copywriter can cost you thousands of dollars per project. Learning how to write sales copy yourself can take months or years of practice and trial and error. With PitchKickstart, you can write your own sales copy in minutes without spending a fortune or wasting your time.
  • Boost conversions and sales: Writing sales copy is not just about putting words on a page. It’s about persuading your prospects to take action and buy your product or service. To do that, you need to use proven copywriting techniques that capture attention, build trust, create desire, and overcome objections. PitchKickstart helps you do that by providing you with frameworks and expert AI seeds that are based on the best practices of copywriting.
  • Unleash creativity and innovation: Writing sales copy can also be fun and rewarding. You can express your unique voice, style, and personality in your sales copy. You can also experiment with different angles, hooks, and stories to make your sales copy stand out from the crowd. PitchKickstart helps you do that by giving you access to ChatGPT’s amazing natural language generation capabilities. You can generate unlimited variations of your sales copy and discover new ideas and insights along the way.

Features of PitchKickstart

PitchKickstart has many features that make it the best software for writing sales copy with ChatGPT. Here are some of the main features of PitchKickstart:

  • Easy to use: PitchKickstart has a simple and intuitive user interface that allows you to create your sales copy in three easy steps: choose your frameworks, select your expert AI seeds, and generate your sales copy with ChatGPT.
  • Flexible and customizable: PitchKickstart gives you full control over your sales copy creation process. You can mix and match different frameworks and expert AI seeds to suit your needs. You can also edit or delete any part of your sales copy as you wish.
  • Niche-specific and relevant: PitchKickstart has a large database of frameworks and expert AI seeds for different niches, products, and services. You can find the ones that are relevant to your offer and audience. You can also add your own frameworks and expert AI seeds if you want.
  • Quality-assured and optimized: PitchKickstart ensures that your sales copy is high-quality and optimized for conversions. PitchKickstart checks your sales copy for grammar, spelling, readability, tone, sentiment, plagiarism, SEO keywords, etc., using various tools and metrics. PitchKickstart also gives you feedback and suggestions on how to improve your sales copy.

What kind of work can PitchKickstart be used for?

PitchKickstart can be used for any kind of work that requires writing sales copy. Whether you are selling a physical product, a digital product, a service, a subscription, a membership, a course, a webinar, an event, a book, a software, or anything else, PitchKickstart can help you write the sales copy that sells it.

Some examples of the work that PitchKickstart can be used for are:

  • Sales pages: These are the web pages that showcase your offer and persuade your prospects to buy it. PitchKickstart can help you write captivating headlines, subheadlines, bullet points, testimonials, guarantees, calls to action, etc., for your sales pages.
  • Emails: These are the messages that you send to your prospects and customers via email. PitchKickstart can help you write engaging subject lines, openings, body paragraphs, closings, signatures, etc., for your emails.
  • Ads: These are the advertisements that you run on various platforms such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc. PitchKickstart can help you write catchy headlines, descriptions, images, videos, etc., for your ads.
  • Social media posts: These are the posts that you share on various social media platforms such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, etc. PitchKickstart can help you write attention-grabbing captions, hashtags, emojis, etc., for your social media posts.
  • Scripts: These are the scripts that you use for various purposes such as video sales letters (VSLs), webinars, podcasts, interviews, presentations, etc. PitchKickstart can help you write compelling introductions, stories, transitions, questions, answers, etc., for your scripts.

How can PitchKickstart be used?

PitchKickstart can be used in two ways: online or offline.

  • Online: This is the default and recommended way of using PitchKickstart. You can access PitchKickstart from any device with an internet connection and a web browser. You can log in to your PitchKickstart account and start creating your sales copy with ChatGPT. You can also save your sales copy projects online and access them anytime and anywhere.
  • Offline: This is the alternative and optional way of using PitchKickstart. You can download PitchKickstart as a desktop app and install it on your computer. You can use PitchKickstart offline without an internet connection. However, you will need an internet connection to generate your sales copy with ChatGPT. You can also save your sales copy projects offline and access them only on your computer.

Advantages of PitchKickstart

PitchKickstart has many advantages over other software or methods for writing sales copy. Here are some of the main advantages of PitchKickstart:

  • It combines the best of both worlds: PitchKickstart combines the power of ChatGPT’s natural language generation with the wisdom of copywriting frameworks and expert AI seeds. This way, you get the best of both worlds: the creativity and innovation of ChatGPT and the structure and guidance of frameworks and expert AI seeds.
  • It saves you time and money: PitchKickstart saves you time and money by allowing you to write your own sales copy in minutes without hiring a professional copywriter or learning how to write sales copy yourself. You can also generate unlimited variations of your sales copy and test them to find the best one.
  • It boosts your conversions and sales: PitchKickstart boosts your conversions and sales by helping you write high-quality and high-converting sales copy that persuades your prospects to take action and buy your product or service. You can also optimize your sales copy for SEO keywords and other metrics to increase your traffic and visibility.
  • It unleashes your creativity and innovation: PitchKickstart unleashes your creativity and innovation by giving you access to ChatGPT’s amazing natural language generation capabilities. You can experiment with different angles, hooks, and stories to make your sales copy stand out from the crowd. You can also discover new ideas and insights along the way.

Disadvantages of PitchKickstart

PitchKickstart has some disadvantages that you should be aware of before using it. Here are some of the main disadvantages of PitchKickstart:

  • It requires an internet connection: PitchKickstart requires an internet connection to generate your sales copy with ChatGPT. If you don’t have a stable or fast internet connection, you may experience delays or errors in generating your sales copy.
  • It is not a magic bullet: PitchKickstart is not a magic bullet that will automatically write perfect sales copy for you. You still need to provide some input and feedback to ChatGPT to guide it to write what you want. You also need to edit or refine your sales copy as needed to make sure it is accurate, relevant, and consistent.

Pricing of PitchKickstart

PitchKickstart offers three pricing plans for its users: Personal, Commercial, and Bundle. Each plan gives you access to all the features and updates of PitchKickstart, but with different limits and benefits.

  • Personal: This plan is for individuals who want to use PitchKickstart for their own personal projects or hobbies. It costs $17 per month and allows you to generate up to 10,000 words of sales copy per month with ChatGPT. BUY NOW
  • Commercial: This plan is for businesses or professionals who want to use PitchKickstart for their commercial purposes or clients. It costs $37 per month and allows you to generate up to 50,000 words of sales copy per month with ChatGPT. You also get a commercial license to use the sales copy for any purpose. BUY NOW
  • Bundle: This plan is for those who want to get the best value and the most features from PitchKickstart. It costs $297 per year and allows you to generate unlimited words of sales copy per month with ChatGPT. You also get a commercial license, a lifetime access, and a 30-day money-back guarantee. BUY NOW

Special offer: Use the code PK80OFF to get $80 off on any plan of PitchKickstart. This offer is valid only until the countdown expires. Don’t miss this opportunity to get PitchKickstart at a discounted price.


PitchKickstart is a software that enhances ChatGPT’s copywriting capabilities and transforms ChatGPT into a world class copywriter through frameworks and expert AI seeds. PitchKickstart helps you create killer sales copy with ChatGPT that actually sells products and services.

PitchKickstart has many advantages over other software or methods for writing sales copy. It saves you time and money, boosts your conversions and sales, and unleashes your creativity and innovation. PitchKickstart also has some disadvantages that you should be aware of before using it. It requires an internet connection, it is not a magic bullet, it is not a substitute for human creativity and judgment, and it is not a cheap solution.

If you are interested in using PitchKickstart for your sales copy needs, you can visit their official website and sign up for a free trial. You can also watch their demo video and read their testimonials to see how PitchKickstart works and what other users say about it.

Get PitchKickstart for ChatGPT NOW!

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