A Book Review of Read People Like a Book: How to Improve Your Empathy, Observation, and Communication Skills by Patrick King

Book Title: Read People Like a Book:

Book Title: Read People Like a Book: How to Analyze, Understand, and Predict People’s Emotions, Thoughts, Intentions, and Behaviors 

Author: Patrick King 

Genre: Psychology, Nonfiction, Self-Help 

GoodReads Rating: 3.54 out of 5 stars 

Best Selling List: #1 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Education & Teaching > Adult & Continuing Education > Psychology


Have you ever wondered what people are thinking and feeling without them saying a word? Do you want to learn how to read body language, facial expressions, and other nonverbal cues? 

Do you want to improve your communication skills and emotional intelligence? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you. 

Read People Like a Book by Patrick King is a comprehensive guide on how to analyze, understand, and predict people’s emotions, thoughts, intentions, and behaviors. 

Through this book, King provides practical techniques and psychological insights to help readers develop their empathy, observation, and communication skills.


The book is divided into four parts, each covering a different aspect of reading people. The first part introduces the basics of human psychology and nature, such as personality types, cognitive biases, and emotional states. 

The second part focuses on the various channels of nonverbal communication, such as eye contact, gestures, posture, and voice. 

The third part teaches how to decipher the meaning and intention behind different nonverbal signals, such as smiles, nods, shrugs, and lies. 

The fourth part shows how to apply the skills of reading people in different situations, such as dating, business, and social media.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Reading people is not only about detecting lies, but also about understanding their motivations, values, and goals.
  • Reading people is not a one-size-fits-all approach, but rather a flexible and contextual process that requires attention, curiosity, and empathy.
  • Reading people is not a passive or manipulative activity, but rather an active and respectful one that can enhance relationships, influence, and persuasion.
  • Reading people is not a natural talent, but rather a learnable skill that can be improved with practice, feedback, and reflection.


  • The book is well-written, engaging, and informative. The author uses a conversational tone, anecdotes, examples, and humor to make the content easy to follow and enjoyable to read. 
  • The author also provides scientific research, references, and resources to support his claims and suggestions. 
  • The book is well-organized, with clear headings, summaries, and action steps at the end of each chapter. 
  • The book is also practical, with exercises, quizzes, and tips to help readers apply what they learn and measure their progress.


  • The book is not very original, as it covers many topics and concepts that have been discussed in other books and sources on the same subject.
  • The book is not very comprehensive, as it leaves out some important aspects and nuances of reading people, such as cultural differences, individual variations, and ethical implications.
  • The book is not very balanced, as it sometimes presents reading people as a simple and straightforward process, without acknowledging the limitations, challenges, and risks involved.


Read People Like a Book by Patrick King is a useful and entertaining book for anyone who wants to learn how to read and analyze people. 

The book offers a solid foundation and a practical framework for understanding human behavior and nonverbal communication. 

The book is not perfect, but it is definitely worth reading and applying. If you are interested in this book, you can find it on Amazon 

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