The Personal MBA: The Ultimate Business Education for Entrepreneurs and Professionals

The Personal MBA Book Review

Book Title: The Personal MBA: Master the Art of Business 

Author: Josh Kaufman 

Genre: Business, Nonfiction, Self-help 

GoodReads Rating: 4.06 out of 5 stars 

Best Selling List: #1 International Bestseller, #1 in Business Training on, #1 in Business Management on, #1 Business Bestseller, 2013 Audio Publishers Association Awards Finalist


If you want to learn the essentials of business without spending thousands of dollars and years of your life on a formal MBA program, this book is for you. 

The Personal MBA is a comprehensive and practical guide that teaches you the fundamental principles and skills you need to succeed in the world of business. 

Whether you are an entrepreneur, a manager, a professional, or a student, this book will help you master the art of business by learning from the best business books and most powerful business concepts of all time.


The Personal MBA is divided into four parts: Value Creation, Marketing, Sales, and Value Delivery. In each part, the author explains the core concepts and mental models that are essential for creating, delivering, and capturing value in any business. 

He also provides examples, exercises, and recommendations for further reading to help you apply what you learn to your own situation. The book covers topics such as:

  • The Iron Law of the Market: Why every business is limited by the size and quality of the market it attempts to serve, and how to find hungry markets just waiting to be served.
  • The 12 Forms of Value: Products and services are only two of the twelve ways you can create value for your customers.
  • The Pricing Uncertainty Principle: All prices are malleable. Raising your prices is the best way to dramatically increase profitability, if you know how to support the price you’re asking.
  • 4 Methods to Increase Revenue: There are only four ways a business can bring in more money. Do you know what they are?
  • The 5 Parts of Every Business: Every business is composed of five core processes that work together to create and deliver value. You need to understand and optimize each one of them.
  • The 4 Systems of Every Business: Every business relies on four types of systems to operate effectively: human, physical, informational, and monetary. You need to design and manage each one of them.
  • The Universal Success Formula: A simple four-step process that can help you achieve any goal, whether personal or professional.

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Key Takeaways: 

The main message of the book is that you don’t need a formal MBA to learn the art of business. You can get a world-class business education by reading the best business books and applying the most powerful business concepts to your own challenges. 

The book provides you with a framework and a toolkit that you can use to make better decisions, improve your productivity, manage uncertainty, and create value in any business situation. 

The book also encourages you to take action and experiment with your ideas, rather than just consuming information passively.


The book is well-written, well-organized, and well-researched. The author has a clear and engaging style that makes the book easy to read and understand. 

The book is also comprehensive and practical, covering a wide range of topics and providing useful tips and examples. The book is not just a summary of other books, but a synthesis of the author’s own experience and insights. 

The book is also flexible and adaptable, allowing you to choose the topics and resources that are most relevant and interesting to you.


The book is not perfect, and it has some limitations and drawbacks. The book is not a substitute for real-world experience and feedback. The book is not a one-size-fits-all solution that works for every business and every situation. 

The book is not a magic bullet that guarantees success and happiness. The book is not a comprehensive and authoritative source of knowledge and truth. The book is not a replacement for critical thinking and independent judgment. 

The book is not a definitive and final word on the art of business. The book is a starting point, a guide, and a companion for your own personal MBA journey.


The Personal MBA is a valuable and inspiring book that can help you learn the art of business on your own terms. It can help you save time and money, while gaining the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in the world of business. 

It can help you discover and pursue your own passions and goals, while creating value for yourself and others. It can help you become a better leader, a better manager, a better professional, and a better person. 

If you are interested in business, or if you want to improve your business skills, you should read this book. 

>>>Visit Amazon to Collect the Book<<<

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