Think and Grow Rich: The Ultimate Guide to Achieving Your Goals

Book Title: Think and Grow Rich

Book Title: Think and Grow Rich 

Author: Napoleon Hill 

Genre: Self-help, Personal Development, Business 

GoodReads Rating & Votes: 4.18 out of 5 stars, based on 314,331 ratings and 9,821 reviews 

Best Selling List: #1 in Success Self-Help, #2 in Motivational Self-Help, #3 in Business Motivation & Self-Improvement on Amazon


Think and Grow Rich is a classic book that reveals the secrets of achieving wealth and success, based on the author’s research and interviews with over 500 prominent people, including Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and John D. Rockefeller. 

The book was first published in 1937, during the Great Depression, and has sold over 100 million copies worldwide. It is widely considered to be one of the best books on personal development and self-improvement ever written.

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The book consists of 13 chapters, each focusing on a principle or a step that is essential for attaining one’s goals and desires. The principles are:

  • Desire: The starting point of all achievement. One must have a burning desire to achieve something and be willing to pay the price for it.
  • Faith: The visualization and belief in the attainment of desire. One must have faith in oneself and one’s abilities, and act as if the desired outcome is already a reality.
  • Auto-suggestion: The medium for influencing the subconscious mind. One must use positive affirmations and statements to program one’s mind for success and eliminate negative thoughts and emotions.
  • Specialized Knowledge: The accumulation and application of organized and relevant information. One must acquire the knowledge that is necessary for one’s chosen field of endeavor and use it effectively and creatively.
  • Imagination: The workshop of the mind. One must use one’s imagination to create and develop new ideas, plans, and solutions for achieving one’s goals.
  • Organized Planning: The crystallization of desire into action. One must have a definite and practical plan for achieving one’s goals, and be ready to modify it as needed. One must also form a mastermind alliance with like-minded people who can provide support, advice, and cooperation.
  • Decision: The mastery of procrastination. One must make prompt and definite decisions and stick to them, without being influenced by the opinions of others.

  • Persistence: The sustained effort necessary to induce faith. One must persist in pursuing one’s goals, despite obstacles, difficulties, and failures. One must also cultivate a positive mental attitude and overcome the six basic fears: poverty, criticism, ill health, loss of love, old age, and death.
  • Power of the Master Mind: The driving force. One must tap into the power of the mastermind, which is the combined intelligence, experience, and knowledge of a group of people who are working towards a common purpose.
  • The Mystery of Sex Transmutation: The switching of the mind from thoughts of physical expression to thoughts of some other nature. One must channel one’s sexual energy into creative and productive activities, such as art, literature, invention, or business.
  • The Subconscious Mind: The connecting link. One must understand and influence one’s subconscious mind, which is the storehouse of all thoughts, emotions, and memories. One must also align one’s subconscious mind with one’s conscious mind and one’s definite purpose.
  • The Brain: A broadcasting and receiving station for thought. One must realize that one’s brain is a powerful instrument that can receive and transmit thoughts and vibrations from other minds. One must also use one’s brain to access the creative imagination and the infinite intelligence.
  • The Sixth Sense: The door to the temple of wisdom. One must develop and use one’s sixth sense, which is the faculty of intuition, hunches, and inspiration. One must also trust one’s sixth sense and act on it when it guides one towards one’s goals.
  • How to Outwit the Six Ghosts of Fear: The clearing of the cobwebs. One must identify and eliminate the six ghosts of fear that haunt one’s mind and prevent one from achieving success. One must also cultivate courage, confidence, and faith in oneself and one’s abilities.

Key Takeaways:

  • Success is the result of a definite purpose, a burning desire, a definite plan, and persistent action.
  • One can achieve anything that one can conceive and believe in one’s mind.
  • One can learn from the experiences and achievements of others who have attained success in various fields of endeavor.
  • One can harness the power of the mastermind, the subconscious mind, the creative imagination, and the infinite intelligence to overcome challenges and solve problems.
  • One can transmute one’s sexual energy into creative and productive energy.
  • One can develop and use one’s sixth sense to receive guidance and inspiration from the higher sources of wisdom.

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  • It is based on extensive research and interviews with over 500 successful people, which gives it credibility and authority.
  • It is written in a clear, simple, and engaging style, which makes it easy to read and understand.
  • It provides practical and actionable steps and exercises for applying the principles and achieving one’s goals.
  • It covers a wide range of topics and aspects of personal development and success, such as desire, faith, planning, persistence, imagination, intuition, and more.
  • It is timeless and universal, as it can be applied to any field of endeavor and any era of history.


  • It is somewhat outdated and irrelevant in some aspects, such as the references to the Great Depression, the role of women, and the views on race and religion.
  • It is somewhat repetitive and redundant in some parts, as it reiterates the same points and examples over and over again.
  • It is somewhat vague and abstract in some parts, as it does not provide enough evidence or explanation for some of the claims and concepts, such as the infinite intelligence, the sixth sense, and the sex transmutation.
  • It is somewhat biased and subjective in some parts, as it reflects the author’s personal opinions and beliefs, which may not be shared or accepted by all readers.


Think and Grow Rich is a classic and influential book that teaches the principles and steps for achieving wealth and success in life. It is based on the author’s research and interviews with over 500 successful people, and it provides practical and actionable advice and exercises for applying the principles and achieving one’s goals. 

It covers a wide range of topics and aspects of personal development and success, such as desire, faith, planning, persistence, imagination, intuition, and more. It is a timeless and universal book that can be applied to any field of endeavor and any era of history. However, it is also somewhat outdated and irrelevant in some aspects, such as the references to the Great Depression, the role of women, and the views on race and religion. 

It is also somewhat repetitive and redundant in some parts, as it reiterates the same points and examples over and over again. It is also somewhat vague and abstract in some parts, as it does not provide enough evidence or explanation for some of the claims and concepts, such as the infinite intelligence, the sixth sense, and the sex transmutation. 

It is also somewhat biased and subjective in some parts, as it reflects the author’s personal opinions and beliefs, which may not be shared or accepted by all readers. Therefore, the book should be read with a critical and open mind, and the readers should take what resonates with them and leave what does not. The book is not a magic formula or a guarantee for success, but rather a guide and a catalyst for personal growth and achievement.

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