The Entrepreneur’s Guide to People, Time, and Money Management

Book Review: The Art of Managing People Time & Money: Inspiration and Wisdom for Every Entrepreneur

Book Title: The Art of Managing People Time & Money: Inspiration and Wisdom for Every Entrepreneur 

Author: Rich Russakoff 

Genre: Business, Entrepreneurship, Management 

Rating: 5.00 out of 5 stars

Best Selling List: N/A


If you are looking for a book that can help you improve your skills and mindset as an entrepreneur, you might want to check out The Art of Managing People Time & Money: Inspiration and Wisdom for Every Entrepreneur by Rich Russakoff. 

Russakoff is an internationally acclaimed business coach, speaker, author, and serial entrepreneur who has coached 7 Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award winners and over 100 winners of the INC. 5000 award. 

In this book, he shares his invaluable lessons and insights on the three most important aspects of business management - people, time, and money.


The book is divided into three sections, each focusing on one of the key elements of managing a successful business. 

In the first section, Russakoff discusses how to create a culture of profitability, how to hire and retain the best talent, how to delegate and empower your team, and how to communicate effectively with your employees, customers, and stakeholders. 

In the second section, he explains how to manage your time wisely, how to prioritize and plan your tasks, how to avoid distractions and procrastination, and how to balance your work and personal life. 

In the third section, he reveals how to manage your money smartly, how to make banks compete to lend you money, how to position your business for resale, and how to exit your business gracefully. 

Throughout the book, he provides practical tips and tools, such as the CEO Checklist, the Profitability Matrix, and the Exit Strategy Template, that you can use to apply his advice to your own business.

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Key Takeaways: 

The book is full of valuable wisdom and inspiration for every entrepreneur who wants to grow and scale their business.

  • Profitability is not just a financial goal, but a mindset and a culture that you need to instill in your organization.
  • People are your most important asset, and you need to invest in their development, motivation, and happiness.
  • Time is your most precious resource, and you need to manage it effectively and efficiently.
  • Money is a tool, not a goal, and you need to use it wisely and strategically.


The book is a great read for anyone who wants to learn from a seasoned and successful entrepreneur.

  • The book is well-written, engaging, and easy to follow. The author uses a conversational and friendly tone that makes the reader feel like they are having a one-on-one coaching session with him.
  • The book is well-structured, organized, and concise. The author covers a lot of topics and concepts, but he does so in a clear and logical way, without overwhelming or confusing the reader.
  • The book is well-researched, credible, and relevant. The author draws from his own experience and expertise, as well as from the best practices and case studies of other successful entrepreneurs and businesses. He also provides references and resources for further reading and learning.
  • The book is well-illustrated, practical, and actionable. The author uses stories and examples to make his points more vivid and relatable. He also provides tips and tools that the reader can use to implement his advice and improve their business performance.


The book is not perfect, and it has some weaknesses and limitations that the reader should be aware of. 

  • The book is not very original or innovative. The author does not offer any new or groundbreaking ideas or insights, but rather rehashes and repackages some of the common and conventional wisdom and principles of business management.
  • The book is not very diverse or inclusive. The author mostly focuses on his own perspective and experience, which is that of a white, male, American, and successful entrepreneur. He does not address or acknowledge the challenges and opportunities that other entrepreneurs may face, such as women, minorities, immigrants, social entrepreneurs, etc.
  • The book is not very specific or customized. The author provides general and broad advice that may not apply or work for every entrepreneur or business. He does not take into account the different types and stages of businesses, the different industries and markets, the different goals and strategies, etc.


The Art of Managing People Time & Money: Inspiration and Wisdom for Every Entrepreneur is a useful and informative book that can help entrepreneurs improve their skills and mindset in managing their businesses. 

The book is well-written, well-structured, well-researched, well-illustrated, and well-coached by a seasoned and successful entrepreneur. 

The book is not very original, diverse, or specific, but it is still a valuable and enjoyable read for anyone who wants to learn from the best practices and experiences of other entrepreneurs. 

I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in entrepreneurship, business management, or personal development. 

>>>Click Here to Collect the Book<<<

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